Hablábamos de Human Cell Atlas y su iniciativa de tipificar las células humanas y en esta orientación hacia las células hay que nombrar otra iniciativa tan interesante como aquella: Allen Institute for Cell Science, que el próximo día 8 de diciembre de 2018 cumplirá 4 años y fue puesta en marcha por Paul Allen, empresario - creador con Bill Gates de Microsoft - y de otras muchas empresas, filántropo prolífico que falleció el pasado 15 de octubre de 2018.
Dicen ellos:
Our Mission: The mission of the Allen Institute for Cell Science is to create dynamic and multi-scale visual models of cell organization, dynamics and activities that capture experimental observation, theory and prediction to understand and predict cellular behavior in its normal, regenerative, and pathological contexts.
También dicen:
Launched with a contribution from Paul G. Allen in 2014, the Allen Institute for Cell Science will serve as a catalyzing force to integrate diverse technologies and approaches at a large scale in order to study the cell as an integrated system: something that traditional academic labs cannot do. Our inaugural project, the Allen Cell Explorer, will be a novel visual, dynamic, predictive model of the cell that will accelerate cell biology and biomedical research.
Dijeron en Nature sobre la iniciativa cuando se puso en marcha:
The Allen Institute for Cell Science, was launched on 8 December, will be modelled on the Microsoft co-founder’s Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington, which since 2003 has spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating a series of ‘brain atlases’ that have become go-to portals for neuroscientists interested in where particular genes are active or how distant neurons communicate.
Lo que están haciendo es: a partir de la línea de iPSC denominada WTC (wild type C) producir lineas celulares con estructuras subcelulares etiquetadas con fluoresceína (FP). En cada estructura ( ver listado abajo en tabla) identifican una proteína cuyo gen codificador etiquetan con fluoresceína y ello llevará a proteinas con fluorescencia que permite ver el comportamiento de la estructura.
Before initiating our editing efforts, we engaged the cell biology community to identify proteins that localize to key subcellular structures and are not known to disrupt the organization, dynamics, or function of the labeled protein/cellular structure upon tagging.
Las lineas celulares generadas están a la venta con diferente precio para la industria y la academia.
En la tabla inferior los identificadores de Cell Line ID Protein, Gene Name (gene symbol), Tagged alleles, Structure, Fluorescent Tag, Tag Location y Parental Line, ordenados por Structure
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Dicen ellos:
Our Mission: The mission of the Allen Institute for Cell Science is to create dynamic and multi-scale visual models of cell organization, dynamics and activities that capture experimental observation, theory and prediction to understand and predict cellular behavior in its normal, regenerative, and pathological contexts.
También dicen:
Launched with a contribution from Paul G. Allen in 2014, the Allen Institute for Cell Science will serve as a catalyzing force to integrate diverse technologies and approaches at a large scale in order to study the cell as an integrated system: something that traditional academic labs cannot do. Our inaugural project, the Allen Cell Explorer, will be a novel visual, dynamic, predictive model of the cell that will accelerate cell biology and biomedical research.
Dijeron en Nature sobre la iniciativa cuando se puso en marcha:
The Allen Institute for Cell Science, was launched on 8 December, will be modelled on the Microsoft co-founder’s Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington, which since 2003 has spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating a series of ‘brain atlases’ that have become go-to portals for neuroscientists interested in where particular genes are active or how distant neurons communicate.
Lo que están haciendo es: a partir de la línea de iPSC denominada WTC (wild type C) producir lineas celulares con estructuras subcelulares etiquetadas con fluoresceína (FP). En cada estructura ( ver listado abajo en tabla) identifican una proteína cuyo gen codificador etiquetan con fluoresceína y ello llevará a proteinas con fluorescencia que permite ver el comportamiento de la estructura.
Before initiating our editing efforts, we engaged the cell biology community to identify proteins that localize to key subcellular structures and are not known to disrupt the organization, dynamics, or function of the labeled protein/cellular structure upon tagging.

Tienen 30 líneas celulares a día de hoy, en Cell Catalog y seis más en elaboración, de las que presentan información fotográfica de las células con las fluorescencia, tanto estática como vídeos.
Es de destacar la voluntad de total transparencia pues describen sus métodos con abundante documentación, de como hacen en cada una de las fases del proceso, porque el objetivo de open source, de poner al servicio de la comunidad científica toda la información que se genere, preside el proyecto.Las lineas celulares generadas están a la venta con diferente precio para la industria y la academia.
En la tabla inferior los identificadores de Cell Line ID Protein, Gene Name (gene symbol), Tagged alleles, Structure, Fluorescent Tag, Tag Location y Parental Line, ordenados por Structure
Cell Line ID Protein | Gene Name (gene symbol) | Tagged alleles | Structure | Fluorescent Tag | Tag Location | Parental Line |
16 Beta actin | Actin beta(ACTB) | mono | Actin filaments | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
24 Non-muscle myosin heavy chain IIB | Myosin heavy chain 10(MYH10) | mono | Actomyosin bundles | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
58 Beta catenin | Catenin beta 1(CTNNB1) | mono | Adherens junctions | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
30 LC3 | Microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta(MAP1LC3B) | mono | Autophagosomes | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
32 Centrin-2 | Centrin 2(CETN2) | mono | Centrosome | mTagRFP-T | N-terminus | WTC |
36 NA | Safe harbor locus(AAVS1) | mono | Cytoplasm | mEGFP | NA | WTC |
17 Desmoplakin | Desmoplakin(DSP) | mono | Desmosomes | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
10 Sec61 beta | Sec61 translocon beta subunit(SEC61B) | mono | Endoplasmic reticulum | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
40 Ras-related protein Rab-5A | RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family(RAB5A) | mono | Endosomes | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
40 Ras-related protein Rab-5A | RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family(RAB5A) | bi | Endosomes | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
53 Connexin-43 | Gap junction protein alpha 1(GJA1) | mono | Gap junction | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
25 Sialyltransferase 1 | ST6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1(ST6GAL1) | mono | Golgi | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
25 Sialyltransferase 1 | ST6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1(ST6GAL1) | bi | Golgi | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
61 Histone H2B type 1-J New | Histone cluster 1 H2B family member j(HIST1H2BJ) | mono | Histones | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
22 LAMP-1 | Lysosomal associated membrane protein 1(LAMP1) | mono | Lysosome | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
05 Paxillin | Paxillin(PXN) | mono | Matrix adhesions | EGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
12 Alpha tubulin | Tubulin-alpha 1b(TUBA1B) | mono | Microtubules | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
31 Alpha tubulin | Tubulin-alpha 1b(TUBA1B) | mono | Microtubules | mTagRFP-T | N-terminus | WTC |
11 TOM20 | Translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20(TOMM20) | mono | Mitochondria | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
13 Nuclear lamin B1 | Lamin B1(LMNB1) | mono | Nuclear envelope | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
69 Nucleoporin Nup153 New | Nucleoporin 153(NUP153) | mono | Nuclear pores | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
14 Fibrillarin | Fibrillarin(FBL) | mono | Nucleolus (Dense Fibrillar Component) | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
57 Nucleophosmin | Nucleophosmin 1(NPM1) | mono | Nucleolus (Granular Component) | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
33 Peroxisomal membrane protein PMP34 | Solute carrier family 25 member 17(SLC25A17) | mono | Peroxisomes | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
54 NA | Safe harbor locus(AAVS1) | mono | Plasma membrane | mTagRFPT-CAAX | NA | WTC |
48 Titin New | Titin(TTN) | mono | Sarcomere (M-line tag) | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
52 MLC-2a New | Myosin light chain 7(MYL7) | mono | Sarcomeric thick filaments | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
60 MLC-2v New | Myosin light chain 2(MYL2) | mono | Sarcomeric thick filaments | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
37 Troponin I, slow skeletal muscle | Troponin I1, slow skeletal type(TNNI1) | mono | Sarcomeric thin filament | mEGFP | C-terminus | WTC |
46 SERCA2 New | ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 2(ATP2A2) | mono | Sarcoplasmic Reticulum/Endoplasmic Reticulum | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
23 Tight junction protein ZO1 | Tight junction protein 1(TJP1) | mono | Tight junctions | mEGFP | N-terminus | WTC |
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