Presento una secuencia de textos que explican la evolución de importantes actores del entramado biotecnologico europeo desde el EMBO, al EMBL, EBI y EMBLEM. EMBO The origins of EMBO date back to 1963, when a group of leading European biologists gathered in Ravello, Italy. They came together to discuss proposals by John Kendrew and Conrad Waddington to establish an organization and laboratory for cooperation in molecular biology. Both proposals were endorsed and in July 1964, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) was officially born. The Ravello meeting laid down two initial goals for EMBO – the creation of a central laboratory and the establishment of networking activities to enhance interactions between scientists across Europe. To pursue these goals, two committees were set up. The efforts of the Laboratory Committee led to the establishment of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). EMBL EMBL is an intergovernmental organisation esta...
Blog de Medicamentos de terapias avanzadas (MTA): de medicamentos de terapias génicas y de medicamentos de terapias celulares somáticas autorizadas por la EMA y la FDA, principalmente.